Monday, October 25, 2010

Update of the Portfolio - Graph

With about 24 days left to expiration, the portfolio is in good shape and as the graph shows we are comfortably within our range. Most of the premium on the Put spread has been achieved, since there is only .10 cents of premiums left, we might have to roll the 550/560 puts to collect additional premiums if the risk reward were to justify it. Otherwise any further decay close to .05 cents on the put side will  result in closing the Put side of the spread and booking a net profit of $2250 on that side of the trade. We will then have only the call side of the trade open.

Please, send me your comments if you have any questions as to the mechanics of how our income trades work. Thanks for visiting our site and hope you are benefiting from our trades and learning as well. For those new to income trades. it is worth pointing out this is a skill and it takes a while to get good at it, so be patient and keep at it and follow the blog.

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