Friday, December 21, 2018

Initiated a (CAT) Caterpillar iron condor position for a $2.11 credit today 21 December 2018. Profit potential of $2110 for the next 28 days . The IV on the PUT side is 51% and the CALL is 39%. Will be managing the position in the days ahead.

Still considering relaunching
IWM position update - Closed the position today December 21, 2018 for a 5.9% gain, given the close to 90% premium decay on the call side of the Iron Condor even with 56 days left and the inherent risk with a downward market trend.

As, contemplate relaunch of
JNJ position update, close the position today on expiration day December 21, 2018 for a 16% gain. This was an opportunistic play based on asbestos news flow on JNJ and the explosion of volatility in the underlying options.

As, I contemplate relaunch of
RUT position update December 21 2018 .

As I contemplate relaunch of